Hamilton County Amateur Radio Public Service Corps
Tri-State Amateur Traffic Net
Grant Amateur Radio Club
Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Club
OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society
Cincinnati FM Club
Cincinnati Repeater Association
Queen City Emergency Net
University of Cincinnati Amateur Radio Club
Bethel Amateur Radio Association
Butler County ARES/RACES
Hamilton County Amateur Radio Public Service Corps Hamilton
Cincinnati, Ohio
http://www.qsl.net/k8yoj/ 145.370 - K8YOJ 146.850 - PL 123.0 - K8YOJ
224.060 - K8YOJ 444.8625 - K8YOJ
Tri-State Amateur Traffic Net Sponsored by Hamilton County
ARPSC Cincinnati, Ohio http://www.k8yoj.org
Grant Amateur Radio Club
Georgetown, Ohio
Visit the GARC website
http://www.garcohio.net 146.730 - PL
162.2 - W8STZ
Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Club Cincinnati, Ohio
http://www.gcara.org 53.17 - W8DZ
145.270 - W8DZ
OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society Cincinnati, Ohio http://www.ohkyin.org/
146.670 - K8SCH 146.925 - K8SCH 146.625 - K8SCH 442.775 - K8SCH
Cincinnati FM Club Cincinnati, Ohio
146.880 - WB8CRS 147.030 - WB8CRS 443.400 - WB8CRS
Cincinnati Repeater Association Cincinnati, Ohio
http://www.qsl.net/wr8cra/ 147.090
- PL 123.0 - WR8CRA 146.700 - PL 123.0 - WR8CRA 147.390 - PL 123.0 -
WR8CRA 146.760 - PL 123.0 - WR8CRA 443.900 - PL 123.0 - WR8CRA
Queen City Emergency Net Cincinnati, Ohio
http://www.qcen.org/ 147.240 - PL 123.0 - W8VND
University of Cincinnati Amateur Radio Club Cincinnati,
Ohio http://www.uc.edu/w8yx/index.html 147.060
- PL 100.0 - W8YX Bethel Amateur Radio Association Bethel, Ohio
147.225 - PL 118.8 - WB8NJS Butler County ARES/RACES Butler
County, Ohio http://www.mindspring.com/~bcares/
Butler County VHF Association Butler County, Ohio http://www.qsl.net/w8cci/
145.210 - PL 118.8 - W8CCI 146.970 - PL 118.8 - W8CCI 147.330 - PL 118.8 - W8CCI
Dial Amateur Radio Club Middletown, Ohio http://www.qsl.net/w8blv/ 146.610 - W8BLV 147.315 - W8JEU 53.210 - W8JEU 224.960 W8BLV 444.825 W8BLV 144.390
- APRS DIGI - W8MWO Fairfield Amateur Radio
Association Fairfield, Ohio http://www.farasys.org/ 145.190 - W8PRH - Wide Area 145.230 - W8PRH 145.390 - W8PRH 224.120 - KA8YRN 442.650 - N8OUY 443.650 - W8PRH 29.620 - KD8C