Requirements for becoming a Official or Associate Slacker Official Slackers: KC8FHU - Tracy - President KC8TRI - John - Vice President W8MDY - Will - Chairman of the Board - "Willvanwinkle" WD8LDX - Bob - Speaker of the House KC8ZUM - Dan - Slackers Net Webmaster WG8Z - Greg - Dr. Zed - Slacker General KC8ZUN - Bill - Director of Appropriations and Electronics Master KI4AJU - Cary - The Covington Nudist KA8YIT - Terry - Sergeant of Arms - Liaison - Redneck Net Associate Slackers: NL7FK - Roy KG4NMH - Ben KC8KNW - James - (He Rocks!!!) WA8QNN - Larry - "Brew master Larry" KG4WPG - Chuck - Southern Liaison - Kentucky N1CTO - Terry - Mr. Yaesu N8TMI - Tim KC8PGR - Kaci - "Runabout Kaci" KC8CRJ - William - Taylor, Michigan - EchoLink Master N8FBE - Dave - Roachy KC8IMY - Chubby WD8RHP - Jimi - Liaison - Jimmy Net KC8TJV - Marilyn - Northern Liaison - Columbus, Ohio N8PUR - Mike KC8FPT - Frank And others to be added soon. If you are an official or associate slacker you are welcome to an e-mail address on this site. It will be formatted (callsign) . You are also welcome to add any information or pictures to your page. Please contact the webmaster to request this. To add information and/or pictures to your page pease send them to the webmaster.
Silent Slackers (Those who have passed to the great slack world in the sky): SK - KC9FZP - Dennis - Liaison - Redneck Net |
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webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.