KD8BYK This is the official web site of the Cincinnati Slackers Amateur Radio Club.
For the latest on BPL in Cincinnati compiled by Dan, KC8ZUM please click here. Please visit the Slackers Net Forums. You must register to read or post. Please use your callsign as your username. Any other user names will be deleted. The forums are for licensed amateurs only. Our Mission"To slack as much as possible, whenever possible, and for whatever reason." The Cincinnati Area Slackers Net is a group of amateur radio operators who meet on area repeaters to discuss various topics or nothing at all. The slackers net can normally be heard on one of the following three repeaters sometime between 2:00AM and 6:00AM: 147.150 (The slackers net and its members are in no way affiliated with the repeaters or repeater owners. The slackers net is not an official net on any of these repeaters.) The slackers net would like to thank Tom and Debby Case for use of their K8CLA repeaters and the Cincinnati FM Club for the use of the 146.880 repeater. The slackers net is an informal net and all licensed amateurs are welcome to join the net however all participants are expected to be courteous and follow the FCC Part 97 rules.
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